Where a company holds its investment in the name of a director or a nominee or in the name of a bank, pursuant to sub-section 2 and 3 of section 49. The details of shares held in the name of any other person shall be entered in a register with the following particulars :
(a) Nature, value of shares and share certificate and distinctive numbers.
(b) Name of the person in whose name the shares are held.
The register shall be open for inspection of any member or debenture holder without fee. If a default is made, every officer is punishable with a fine of Rs.50000.
Share transfer register
In terms of section 108, when a company receives instruments for transfer of shares and debentures, these are recorded in a separate register on a continuous basis and these are submitted to the board or committee for approval from time to time. The register is initialled by the directors on behalf of the board or committee which approves the transfers.
Register of renewed and duplicate certificates
In terms of the companies (Issue of Share Certificate) Rules, 1960 whenever a company issues duplicate share certificates in place of those which are damaged, lost, defaced or in which space for registering transfers is exhausted, the company may issue duplicate certificates. The particulars of said duplicate certificates will be recorded in the above register, with the following details :
- Name of the persons to whom certificate is issued.
- Number and date of old certificate surrendered.
- Number and date of old certificate which is lost.
- Number and date of new share certificate.
The entries in the said register will be authenticated by the secretary or such other persons of the company who is authorized in this behalf. Same rules as register of member or debenture holder may also apply as regards preservation.
File Containing Instruments of charges
Every company is required to keep at its registration copy of all instruments of charges which have been registered with the ROC. It is desirable that all these instruments are kept in a file along with the certificate granted by the registrar.
Register of charges
Every company shall kept at its registration office charges showing the following particulars :
- A short description of the property charged
- Amount of charge
- The persons entitled to the charge
The said register and the file containing the instruments shall be open to inspection of any member or creditor of the company without fee.
Register of members and index
Every company shall be kept at its registration office one or more registers showing the following information in respect of its shares other than the shares held with a depository :
(a) Name, address and occupation of each member
(b) Shares held by each member with distinctive numbers, nominal value and the amount paid or agreed to be paid on such shares.
(c) The person entered their register date.
Register of members in respect of shares with differential rights
A separate register shall be kept for members holding equity shares with differential rights in the same way as register of members referred to above.
Register of members etc, may be kept at some other place in the same city other than registration office
The register of members and index shall always be kept at the registration office or at a place within the city or place where the registration office is located after taking action under section 163 of the act. Where the board of directors decide to keep the register and index of members, register and index of debenture holders and copies of annual return at a place other than the registration office but within the same city or town or village, the prior approval of the members by a special resolution will be taken and an advance copy of the resolution will be furnished to the registrar.
Register of debenture holders and index
Every company shall keep its registration office one or more registers showing the following information in respect of debentures other than debentures held with a depository:
Name, address and occupation of each debenture holder
Number of debentures held with distinctive number, nominal value and amount paid or agreed to be paid.
Date when a person is entered in the registration office address
Date when a person ceases to be a holder or debenture
Other particulars as in the register of members referred to above.
File regarding copies of annual returns
Every company shall keep copies of all annual returns filed by it with the ROC. The said copies of annual returns and register of members etc.
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