However anything involved in the code of criminal method 1973. Normally, the government may appoint or any specified class of cases in local place, as company officials for manage legal actions occurring out of this act. The persons so appointed as company officials appointed under the section 24.
Under the section 624A of the companies act 1956 and wants to offer that the government may prescribe more number of company officials who shall have the aforesaid privileges and powers as that of public attorney. The entire registration may be implement by the officials or an management authorities takes charge of these registration procedures.
Section 24 of code of criminal procedure 1973
For all high court, the state or central government shall, after consultation with the high court, prescribe a public prosecutor may also choose one or more public prosecutor for managing in such court, any action, request or other actions on behalf of the state or central government.
The central government may choose one or more public officials for the cause of managing any case or class of cases in any district or local place. The management charge their registration for consulting legal prospectus.
For all districts, the state government shall choose a public officials and may also choose one or more officials for the district. The company and other managements take actions of their government authorities.
The additional prosecutor or the public prosecutor selected for one district may be prescribed also to be an additional public prosecutor or be a public prosecutor for other district.
No person shall be selected by the state government as the additional public prosecutor or public prosecutor for the district or his name shows in the panel of names arranged by the district magistrate under sub-section (4).
However, anything included in sub-section (5), where in a state there occurs a regular cadre of prosecuting officers. The state government shall assign a public officials or an additional public officials only from among the persons forming such cadre:
For the reason of this sub-section contains:
Regular cadre of prosecuting officers shows a Cadre of prosecuting officers which contains therein the post of a public prosecutor, by any name called, and that offers for promotion of assistant public prosecutors by any name requested to that post.
Prosecuting officer shows a person, by any name called, assigned to do the roles of a public prosecutor, an assistant public prosecutor or an additional public prosecutor under this code.
A person shall be qualified to be assigned as public prosecutor or additional public prosecutor under sub-section (1), (2) and (6). Every person may part in their company and the respective person is also present in the courts for their actions.
The state or central government may assign, for the reason of any class or case of types. A person who has been in perform as an advocate for at least 10 years as a special public prosecutor.
The court may allow the victim to appoint an advocate of his options to help the legal action under this sub-section. If the legal courts may be located in Coimbatore, the authorized person may present in that courts for their legal actions.
For the reason of sub-section (7) and sub-section (8), the term in which a person has been in perform as an advocate or has provided helps as a public prosecutor.
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