

PROSPECTUS REGISTRATION: No person shall issue, circulate or distribute in India any prospectus offering for securities subscription of an incorporated company or outside India to be incorporated whether the company has or has not established or when formed will or should not establish a business place in India, unless before …


Offences by Companies Officers in Liquidation.

Offences by Companies Officers in Liquidation. If any person, being a present or past  or present company officer which, at the commission time of the alleged offence, is being wound up, whether by (Tribunal) or voluntarily or which is ordered subsequently to be wound up by the (Tribunal) or which …


Subsidiary Company

SUBSIDIARY COMPANY: The audit committee of the listed holding company shall also make the financial statements review, in particular, the unlisted subsidiary company made by the investments. The unlisted board meetings of the subsidiary company minutes shall be placed at the company board meeting listed holding. The periodic management should …



  RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS: A related party is an entity or a person that is company related. Parties are considered to be related if one party has to control another’s ability or significant exercise over the other party influence, indirectly or directly in financial making or operating decisions and includes …